Stay creative!


Each design medium has a specific influence on my life and how I observe it. Read more to discover the different types of materials and outlets I work with.

art journaling

In my journey to become an artist, art journaling was the first practice that I learned. It was ideal for me to be able to write out my thoughts and learn about composition as well as different background techniques. When I began teaching my method of art journaling to adults, I quickly realized it is a tool that can be used by any age.  

When I was 12, I began using writing as a tool to cope with family separation, loneliness and self-esteem issues. Divorce caused my brother and I to be shipped between parents-often during the school year. It was hard to maintain close contact with relatives and friends, now three hours away. It wasn’t until my diaries were found and read (during one of the many moves) that I realized I needed to find a way to write and be able to choose if I wanted to share.

As a teaching artist, and as my skills continue to grow, art journaling has afforded me the opportunity to pass along my passion for art and writing to others at a time when getting to know oneself is vital.  When is that time?  Whenever!

fiber artwork

I learned to sew with probably the rest of my generation:  in Home Economics class.  Honestly, I absolutely hated it and really cannot remember why.  If I had to guess, I think it was too exacting.  Measure this, cut it in this manner, measure again.  I am too much of a rebel for that!  The entire class was making gauchos (the trendy new pantwear) and my pair looked like, well, they didn’t look like gauchos.  The only garments I am interested in making are aprons.  There’s a story behind that.  For now, just know that I love fiber in almost all its forms.  From paper to yarn, from silks to natural cottons, if it can fit under my machine needle, it is able to be used in my work.  

mixed media

What can I do with this leftover coffee?  Can I use it to dye fabric or paper?  Can I paint or draw with it?  Why not?  Thinking about what I can use with what would otherwise be considered as trash is one of my favorite methods of creating mixed media art.  There is no rhyme or reason to this method.  I love to try things just to see what happens.  I mean, it was going in the trash or down the drain anyway, right?